Milestone 1 & 2

Milestone 1 (Feb 02, 2021)


So far we formed a group with 5 people. Bronwen, Sehrish, Dana, Minhye and I made the group, and we had three team meetings together to discuss the project topic. In the first meeting, we introduced each other and we decided that we would do a meeting every Monday. The second meeting take place on the 22th, that we brainstormed what we want to put in our project. In the third meeting on Feb. 1st we finalized the idea of making a project about Emily Carr and write down the basic points in the proposal doc.

-January 15th 2021

  •     Decided on meeting dates
  •     Introduced each other

-January 22nd 2021

  •     Setting up a team GitHub
  •     Brainstormed ideas for our project
  •     Museum for multiple subjects that influenced Canada (Viola Desmond, Terry Fox)
  •     Museum with Canadian paintings

-February 2st 2021

  •     Setting up Trello boards & Google Drive folder
  •     Finalizing project topic: Chose Emily Carr
  •     Setting up proposal document and starting on filling in basic information for each section
  •     Plan next week's sprint


The biggest challenge, in the beginning, is to figure out what we want to make. We all kind of agree to go with a museum and exhibition type of settings, but we are not sure who will be the artist and how can we show the history behind it. Also, since we all are new to A-frame, the discussion didn't go deep with the technical challenges but focus on story settings.


Everyone make the meetings on time and contributed to the brainstorming process. I am glad we figured out Emily Carr as the artist to go and discovered her backstories. We made google drive shared folder, GitHub and discord channels.

Number of Hours Spent

So far we spent around 2 hours, which is the total of the three meetings.

Media Piece

Photo of Emily Carr, the artist our project based on

Milestone 2 (Feb 09, 2021)


We had a meeting on the 9th to divide the task for the proposal and to make a plan for the coming presentation on Friday. We didn't start the project yet but need to finish the proposal first. We will try to do an alpha by Friday for the presentation.

Feb. 9th, 2021

  • Choose Kitwancool by Emily Carr as the interactive painting in the project
  • Decide to make two scenes, one is the interactive painting, the other is the museum
  • Assign roles for the proposal writing
  • Making a rough layout for the museum scene setting


The challenge for this week is to make an alpha presentation by Friday. The group wasn't aware there is a presentation coming up on Friday and it is actually the alpha presentation. We were only expecting to complete the proposal and that's it. Since we need to do a presentation we will arrange another meeting to discuss it and make the PowerPoint. Time management is the challenge we face this week.


With the proposal almost finish we now have a clearer idea of what we imagine the project to look like. Before we were having different thoughts but now it's coming up together. There is of course a lot to discuss for the high development plan since it helps us decide the development plan in a long term.

Number of Hours Spent

We spent an hour at the Feb 9th meeting. I will spend another 3 hours on the proposal writing and one hour for group presentation preparation.

Media Piece

Kitwancool by Emily Carr, the interactive painting we choose to make


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