Milestone 4

 Milestone 4 (Mar. 2, 2021)


Last week we started blocking out the environment. This week we will continue to work on that. I introduced the Mozilla Hub to the group so we can look into it and see if we can use it for our project. The plan for this week is the group will start looking for patterns in painting, our primary focus on modelling and coding. We separate as the model and coding group. The model group will find models final by next Monday (triangle count), start creating some models on Maya. The coding team will get the blocking done by next week.

Meeting Minutes

-Mar. 2nd, 2021 6pm-6:40pm

  • started blocking
  • Mozilla hub
  • looking for patterns in the painting
  • focus on modelling and coding

Next Week's Sprint:

  • find models final by next Monday (triangle count)
  • start creating some models on Maya 
  • blocking done by next week

Team Trello Board


The challenge for modelling is to find a way to model the totem pole and to find the right texture to apply to it.  The texture is the biggest issue since we cannot find the totem texture online. This is a problem for the modelling group to think about. For the environment. The problem is whether we could use Mozilla Hub in our project and would it make a positive effect on our project. After discussing with the prof today, I learned that we don't need to use Mozilla for our project but we can use some components from it to add to our project.


We started to block out the environment. We come up with an idea of creating the texture based on the painting. That would be to try making a texture and just placing it on a primitive to test it out. For the block-out environment, we were unsure how to set up the positions in our world since we are working on the different scenes on separate files. Later we came up with the idea of having a 4x4 connect hall in the middle of the world. Each of us moves the design to positive and negative 4 in their world respectively. Hope this can solve the collision problem when we try to merge two scripts later in the project. The solution is illustrated in the picture below.

Numbers of Hours Spent

3 hours on blocking out the environment(unfinished).
40 min on the weekly team meeting.

Media Piece

Example of using Mozilla hub to build the virtual world on webxr-discord
This inspired us for the museum interior design. 


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