
Showing posts from February, 2021

Milestone 3

 Milestone 3 (Feb 22, 2021) Introduction We had our winter break last week. This week we are starting to block out the environment and move one step each week towards the Beta presentation. Tasks are divide into each person based on the roles assigned in the proposal. I am the primary lead of lighting and secondary lead of development. Since the lighting hasn't come in this early stage, I will develop textures and block out the environment. Meeting Minutes -Feb 22nd, 2021 1pm-1:30pm Make events on Trello board Block out environment Sourcing Models Sourcing Audio Begin to develop textures for painting Distribute event to the individual Plan next week's sprint Team Trello Board Challenges To summarize the alpha presentation and proposal. For the alpha presentation, our team pick two people to do the presentation instead of everyone, it is fine but the two people chose to use voice-over on the PowerPoint instead of recorded it on zoom. This led to our late submission of the alpha

Milestone 1 & 2

Milestone 1 (Feb 02, 2021) Introduction So far we formed a group with 5 people. Bronwen, Sehrish, Dana, Minhye and I made the group, and we had three team meetings together to discuss the project topic. In the first meeting, we introduced each other and we decided that we would do a meeting every Monday. The second meeting take place on the 22th, that we brainstormed what we want to put in our project. In the third meeting on Feb. 1st we finalized the idea of making a project about Emily Carr and write down the basic points in the proposal doc. -January 15th 2021      Decided on meeting dates      Introduced each other -January 22nd 2021      Setting up a team GitHub      Brainstormed ideas for our project      Museum for multiple subjects that influenced Canada (Viola Desmond, Terry Fox)      Museum with Canadian paintings -February 2st 2021      Setting up Trello boards & Google Drive folder      Finalizing project topic: Chose Emily Carr      Setting up proposal document and sta